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Posted August 16, 2016 at 12:00 am

This is the end of book 5.

Nope, this isn't a typo. Because chapters 21-24 have been a bit longer than normal, doing the usual 5-chapters per book would cause the volume to get stupid big. Plus, this is a pretty good cliffhanger to end the book on.

Isa and Meg will be attending Flame Con this weekend and Dragon Con in two weeks. In-between those cons, Meg will be going to the Deep South to see her family. After Dragon Con, Isa will be going to Rose City Comic Con. Because of all the traveling, here's how the next few updates are going to go:

Thursday: A special image of Emma, Warrick, and Selva. 

Saturday: A really awesome print for Flame Con.

August 23-27 (aka next week): Adora has graciously consented to be asked three more questions from the interfering creators that like to poke into her life.

August 30: Book 6 begins with Intermission 5. 

We hope to see you guys at Flame Con and Dragon Con!

Tags: Ozma